Elena Balkcom Elena Balkcom

Business Portrait

See our business video and how it came to life!

So, for a while now, we've been needing a video that spells out what we do for our future and potential clients. Especially when new clients are far away, I want for them to be able to see my face, hear my voice. It really helps with the decision, "do I want this person around on my wedding day?!"

Dilemma- My favorite videographer/business video creator, Lindsey McClennahan, lives in Oklahoma. No video for us....

until one busy weekday, while scrolling through Instagram, I see this...

Less that 48 hour later, Zach and I were on the 3 hour trip to Berry College to hunt down 'ol Lindsey. 

I hopped out of the car with an arm full of outfits I packed (but didn't have time to iron) and a crate full of whatever clutter was around my office.

We had two hours before Lindsey had to leave to catch a plane. 

I'm telling y'all, this girl is magic. 

As the sun was coming up, she helped me make sense of what I needed to communicate, and in no time flat she took this wrinkly shirt wearing, camera-shy girl and made something so helpful that I can now share over and over. 

So without further ado...


If you have a business, you NEED Lindsey. You really do. Go give her some love!


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