A Prayer for a College Student at Winter Break:

Breathe on our winter break mornings with late alarms and warm hands around mugs, that we might be quietly shaped by gratitude.

We surrender our desire to prove, and our tendency to hide.

We lay down our propensity to fix our families.

Our certainty is in you and of this we are sure, you hold our families even closer than we do, so we partner with you in prayer and we surrender what’s left to mend.

Let us be moved to speak words that matter among family and friends, and be slow to aggravation and quick to understand.

Grace be on our days to receive new callings.

Mercy be on our minds to form new rhythms.

Courage be in our souls to listen for what you’re inviting us into.

Lay your hand on our winter break evenings that we would find ourselves lingering around tables with people who love you or love us and sometimes both.

May we be called your disciples, regardless of time or place, working, weeping, or worshiping this Christmas, for Father you are not bound by time or place.

May the way we move through the world this next month spark in others the hope of coming glory.

Help us carve out space to be,

to be with you,

to be together,

to find our way back to your loving embrace. Walking with you now, walking with you all the way home.


Here’s the prayer in image form for easy saving and sharing:


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